Sorry for the lack of posts. Here's my most exciting news in months though: Back in 1997 I drew this art which was meant to be the cover for a single off the debut album by Los Ass-Draggers that never came out. So the art languished until earlier this year when I heard from the band who wanted to use it for the cover of a live album. So a mere 23 years later here 'tis, slightly revised but raring for action, and in color, no less. Plus it's a great album, the kinda high speed trashy rock'n'roll the A-Ds are justly renowned for, featuring "Limbo Dancer" (the song meant to be on that unreleased single), "Treat Me Like A King" (my personal theme song) and a cover of the Raunch Hands' immortal hit "Never Coming Home". Out now on Family Spree Records outta Spain and highly recommended. Stay tuned for MORE EVENTUAL ACTION!