Saturday, January 28, 2012

Los Reyes Del Surfing

Here's the cover art for the upcoming demo EP by kool Mexican surf combo Frankisia. Aside from a blast of Lucha Libre rock'n'roll action, this drawing features the debut of my new character creation that will soon be sweepin' the nation, the Smoking Kitten. Keep eyes peeled for a vast wave of tacky merchandise featuring this adorable feline nicotine addict. (Smoking Kitten © King Merinuk 2012, all rights of any kind reserved forever.) Stay tuned for MORE ACTION!


  1. I know that band!! It's the first mexican band who work with you?

  2. Yep, though I did the art for a compilation called Exotic Erotic Reverb a few years back which was on a Mexican label and had several Mexican bands on it. Gonna start work soon on the cover for an LP called Mundo Salvaje which will be a comp of the current Mexican surf and garage scene.
